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Welcome to the Department of Social Services (old)

“Do not pass by a man in need, for you may be the hand of god to him.” …Proverbs 3:37


As you explore these pages, you will note that our programs and services strive to uphold our mission, which is to improve the quality of life of Orthodox Christian individuals and families in need in a way that maintains their dignity, self-determination, and independence.

You will find information about our social work services nationwide and how you or those you know can access our services, details about what we do and how, and information about how we can help Philoptochos members and church groups develop and organize local educational forums about issues they have identified as critical within their own communities.  If you would like us to research a specific issue on your behalf or help you organize a public education forum, or if you wish to refer someone to our office for help, please contact Paulette Geanacopoulos, LMSW, Director, Department of Social Work Services at 212.977.7782 or email

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