Sophie Hadjiyannis, National Philoptochos President, 1964 – 1974
Mrs. Sophie Hadjiyanis, past president of the Ladies Philoptochos Society, was a
distinguished lady and great benefactress of the Greek Orthodox Church. She served as
president of the National Board of Philoptochos from 1964 to 1974.
Mrs. Hadjiyanis was born in Smyrna, Turkey, and educated in Athens, Greece. She
married Chris Hadjiyanis in London in 1934. They became permanent residents of New York
City 1940.
Her outstanding service and valuable participation in philanthropic causes spanned 40
years and included the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, serving on the Board of the
Cathedral Philoptochos for many years. She was one of the founders of the St. Michael’s Home
for the Aged in Yonkers, New York; she spearheaded the construction of new dormitories at St.
Basil Academy; served the American Red Cross; the National Conference of Christians and
Jews; the Anglo-American Hellenic Bureau of Education, which brought more than 500 students
from Greece to study at American universities; and the Silvermine Guild of Artists.
She was honored by the late Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in 1968, bestowing
the title of “Archontissa” of the Ecumenical Throne, praising her for her “zeal, love, and
devotion to the Church.”
Among other honors she received for her philanthropic endeavors were: The Eupiea
Award from the late King Paul of Greece, and citations from the Anglo-American Hellenic
Bureau of Education, the American Red Cross and the Silvermine Guild of Artists.
Mrs. Sophie Hadjiyanis passed away on September 13, 1981. May her memory be eternal.