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Operation Classroom

Our Mission: to assist and offer support to teachers and students in underserved or underfunded schools and provide resources that would not have been available through the local school district.

Read the 2023 Letter from Committee Co-Chairs

The US Department of Education has announced that over 94% of public school teachers provide school supplies for their classrooms out of their own resources without any expectation of reimbursement. What if every Philoptochos chapter across the US adopts an underserved school in their community and provides needed support? Multiply the number of schools served by the number of students and imagine the lives we could reach and positively impact! For a small financial investment, Philoptochos stewards can affect the next generation of scientists, artists, religious leaders, teachers, and perhaps even a president. Our President challenges every chapter to get involved and adopt a school!

Implementing Operation Classroom at the Chapter level:

  • The President of the Chapter should appoint an Operation Classroom Chairman and committee
  • The Operation Classroom committee should seek out parishioners in their community who are educators and other individuals affiliated with schools
  • Parishioners should be used as a resource to identify schools in their area that are in need

How does a chapter get Operation Classroom started?

  • Check to see if there is an educational foundation for the school district you choose to help. Some foundations work with the teachers and classrooms by providing needed programs or supplies. If the foundation does not work in that capacity, they may be able to direct you to someone who does.
  • Approach a school district and ask if there is a community liaison who works with volunteers who want to assist teachers or classrooms.
  • Approach a school principal and ask if there is a project or class/teacher that could benefit from Operation Classroom. The school may have needs that could best be met by approaching the principal first.

For additional guidance on how to get started, click here.

Learn more information for your Chapter’s Operation Classroom Liaison: Click Here

What should our Operation Classroom be?

  • The program is designed to be flexible, and each chapter should design its outreach to the schools and teachers as needed. Each chapter can choose how they can best help.
  • Operation Classroom could be started at any time but aiming for the beginning of the school year would be beneficial.

For specific ideas on what you can implement, click here

DO! Network with members of your parish for:

  • Their connection to any schools
  • Use the Operation Classroom as a means of promoting Philoptochos awareness
  • Get your community youth involved; contact the Greek Schools, Church Schools, and Youth groups to be part of this hands-on project.


OC June- December 2023 
OC Final January-May 2024

A picture is worth a thousand words…

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